Saturday 22 November 2014

Contains the codification

Article, first paragraph, of the General Administrative Law Act of the general rule mobile recharge api that the governing body should fulfil its duties without bias. The basic idea is that opinion or the actions of the governing body should not be influenced by interests other than those in the present online recharge bsnl situation can be considered as relevant fair play.

It is up to the person concerned on the basis of concrete facts and circumstances an objectively justified fear of bias likely to make. Points out at first that the report is based on online recharge bsnl sufficiently concrete and objective data.

There is no legal requirement or general principle of law which requires that the report should not contain defined terms such mobile recharge api as packet inspection, Data Analysis Techniques and Data on and off data traffic or a metaphor illustrating, as the letter and the envelope see of this report.

In addition, terms such as sensitive data, personal communication also concern or are traffic formats are those resulting from the parliamentary. It was investigation of second aimed at establishing the truth, either collect both invasive as exculpatory information.

As has amassed knowledge about both the process of in the use of data analysis techniques, the need to do so for example, at the point of the mobile recharge api network load and the expected increase it and possible alternatives. As motivated above under Fair play and principle no consultation about ending offences detected, there is no legal requirement or general principle of law which requires that a supervisor online recharge bsnl is obliged to examine with an offender, along how the offender infringements detected may terminate.

The refusal to consulting on how to be terminated observed, therefore can not be considered as concrete facts and circumstances from which an objectively justified fear of bias can be derived. Commentary General Administrative Law, Article AWB note include as far as traffic data are to be regarded as personal data.

PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings May, denies further again that the legal framework has not been presented against a neutral background. Has also at this point mobile recharge api little prescribed under the DPA to demonstrate an objectively justified fear of bias.

There are previously indications to the contrary. In this connection, the that instance testing against mere principles in the TA, as advocated by, does not lead to a different outcome than the review conducted by, so of conflict with the principle of fair play perceived bias can be no question.

Also, the fact that the views and of online recharge bsnl have led to modification of the Draft report definitive findings do not indicate bias. Not covered mobile recharge api in addition to see why the fact that there is now, makes the investigation should be terminated.

Quite apart from the mobile recharge api duty to investigate because of the disclosure by OPTA to see further the heading Cooperation Agreements respectively ACM and AT.

The consequences of the upcoming changes

Future regulatory In its second opinion makes objected to giving qualifications on the legality of the use of data analysis mobile recharge api techniques under new future legislation has its views itself referred to and called on to the Telecommunications Act.

In particular Article for that reason, it is not that careless in draft report definitive findings is discussed the consequences of these new regulations. These articles are now applicable law, so that also for that reason in this report should be considered under these articles.

The second argument of at the point of the future regulations for the rest failed to adapt the factual findings and conclusions in the report. Entrepreneurial freedom considers, in its view the view that is in breach of its powers and freedom of entrepreneurship in detail inlet with the daily operations of.

Entrepreneurial freedom includes the freedom to exercise an economic activity or a commercial, contractual freedom and freedom of competition Article of the Charter. The freedom of enterprise, however, is not absolute, but must be in relation to its social function.

Important is whether the exercise of entrepreneurial activity as such belt. As above reasons under Duty of careful gathering knowledge and interests and sufficient reasons, has determined in the context of a careful gathering knowledge and interests at the conceptual level and motivated in the report how the information could be designed without to want to grab a large extent in the mobile recharge api business and operations of by using a specific e product or require technique.

It is not so long in non anonymous form may process personal data, although limited in the design of information systems. This limitation resulting from in particular the online recharge company provisions of Article the Telecommunications.

Act and paragraph mobile recharge api of the e Privacy Directive, prevents as such is not the exercise of its entrepreneurial activity impossible, namely the provision of a public electronic communications network and service.

The view from at the point of the free enterprise in respect of the statement mobile recharge api of that the principle of purpose limitation is related to the principle that personal data collected for different purposes, are processed separately data soloing or online recharge company supplemented and clarified that the DPA.

It is in the report therefore as such not yet the use of a specific e prescribes product or technique. The two views of HvJ EU January, has at this point otherwise entail an amendment of the factual findings and conclusions online recharge company in the report.

Semblance bias Holding On suggestive classifications and descriptions that are not consistent with reality, considered together with the fact that does not want to enter into negotiations with and the economical interpretation of the legal rules in the eyes of mobile recharge api points according to violate the prohibition of bias Article of the AWB.

Data relating to them

For example, the data report including the purpose or purposes of the processing and a description of the categories of data subjects and the data or categories of clearly and precisely stated in Article, first paragraph, of the DPA. The question of which information to the need to mobile recharge api provide stakeholders.

It can be answered on the basis of the text of the law, the legislative history of online recharge cellone Article of the guideline's publication of personal data on internet, with an annexed standard privacy and opinions of the Article.

There is no legal requirement or general principle of law which requires that a supervisor is required to consult with an offender, to consider how the offender offences detected may terminate together. Module General Administrative, MAB.

See, inter Asia, No. November AB, May, AB, This implies that a governing body, after receipt of the request or objection, this must adequately respond by gathering all the necessary information, the public and any other parties involved invite to explain their positions, then based thus obtained other already at his disposal to take decision online recharge cellone in which the consideration motivated interests involved makes his reaction objection known T& C General Administrative Law Act, commentary article.

Case number en h Guidance mobile recharge api Publication personal web in December, pinion on purpose limitation on more harmonized information provisions in, with attachments.minimum requirements for collecting personal data online the European Union, dated open.URLs PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings.

May, A professional trader, such as, may be required to be acutely informed about the restrictions to which its actions are subject. Also, has professional legal aid final findings from the Draft Report.

Has been twice the opportunity to give opinions. With regard to the notification and the privacy statement applicable to the in the Report has preliminary findings and the Concept mobile recharge api Report definitive findings assessed and justified on which points the documents and the concepts proposed by as planned measures not yet meet the legal requirements.

Has the new August Privacy Statement definitive findings included in this Report. For the rest has no proposed measures with the request to review these ices ante takeaway in investigating whether the offences detected thereby are will be terminated.

It can not be concluded that has not utilized its procedural opportunities. Moreover, if and insofar as the in this report maintains its findings and concludes that there is continuation mobile recharge api of an identified first again be given the opportunity to be heard.

The second argument of at the point of fair play and principle led to clarification of the points at which the draft report and the privacy of still do not meet the legal requirements. The second argument of on this point as to alter the conclusions in the report.

Second argument of at the point of reference for the handling of URL have led to changes in the applicable legal framework online recharge cellone and applied, as well as related change s in the claims in mobile recharge api the report.

The term begins walk

In those situations where there is a uniform public preparation procedure section. Of the GALA seems to be a dispute to be spoken when online recharge commission a view is filed against a starting point in punitive proceedings is that when the offender is clear mobile recharge api that a fine will be imposed on him.

That seems the time when transmission of the final version of the fine report has justified above under the heading No criminal charge of a criminal charge in this research is the question. To the extent that intends to mobile recharge api argue that the requirements of Article of the ECHR through the legal principle involved, is that there is still is not a decision.

The term in this study therefore not yet begun. Moreover, only delays mobile recharge api which are attributable to the governing body may determine the reasons for the judgement that the reasonable time has been exceeded.

In collecting the necessary knowledge of the relevant facts and the to balance the interests encountered abnormal, seemingly inconsistent proof material, so that it had to carry out further research. For example, when it came to the categories types of processed data IP addresses, cell tower data, the anonymous and aggregate them and the retention period.

It continues here an extensive study conducted in parallel with investigations into the other three largest mobile network operators in the Netherlands in a legally and technically complicated. Regarding the legal complexity plays a role the upcoming legislative changes in the area of net neutrality and confidentiality of communications.

The second argument of in terms of the extent and duration of the investigation did not lead to adjustment of the factual findings and conclusions in the report. Fair play and principle no consultation on termination of infringements detected argues in its view that it violates the fair play principle.

The negligent and in breach of the that does not want to consult with her about the report, the privacy, the reduction of retention periods and the repeated offer to online recharge commission oversee joint agreement how any violations can be terminated as quickly and effectively as possible.

The reasonable time for mobile recharge api administrative and justice, proceedings on a criminal charge. PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings May, One half of the online recharge commission fair play principle enshrined in Article of the AWB see below about the heading Apparent of bias.

The other half of the fair play principle means that a governing citizen the possibility to exploit its procedural opportunities should not be frustrated by the legal government action. The principle of legality follows that a rule that is enforced by administrative penalties sufficiently clear, foreseeable and should be known Article of the AWB the principle.

To the extent that intends to rely on Article of the AWB contained principle, notes that the notification requirement in article. And the information requirement in Article of the DPA meet the mobile recharge api commandment.

The investigation be closed

And no alternative. Has its views on this point, however, no reasonable doubts raised about the accuracy of the factual assertion of that alternative measures in online recharge card general that mobile recharge api can be used where the processing of personal data, the number is limited.

See more about answering the views under No other less restrictive means to achieve the same result. Has adverse consequences for and possibly its customers from not so long in non anonymous form may process the personal data inventoried, such as network integrity and stability, mainly described in its views.

And put on a row the report under the headings Technical alternatives and Prepaid Traffic in Annex IV and the mobile recharge api heading No other less restrictive means to achieve the same result in this Annex V to this report.

Following the argument of through his claim to inquired to what extent his interest, such as network integrity and stability will be impaired if they personally can not handle so long in non anonymous form, or to what extent, and if so, how factors other than the configuration settings currently in use in your data analysis equipment.

It plays a role in your answer mobile recharge api to this question of the need for the data and or from mobile data traffic even after collecting them in non anonymous form processing, congestion risks or other vulnerabilities specific to your network infrastructure.

Also thus mapped and this report contains an estimate of the costs in Euro and the time it takes in calendar days to have to traffic management a data analysis solution e develop, implement and mobile recharge api manage would allow for the data immediately after collecting irreversible.

Non persistent working memory anonymity or aggregate such that they can not be linked to individual customers or to the processing non anonymous data be limited to those customers that their purpose unambiguous permission eleven.

The second argument of to the point of view of the view one of in the introduction in the report led to adaptation, namely supplement and clarify the summary of views. The view has two about the duty of careful gathering knowledge and a careful balancing of interests led to supplement and clarify the inventoried and weighed interests in this report.

Second argument of on this point as to alter the conclusions in the report. Research limited in time and scope considers, in its view the view that now online recharge card the regulator the right facts on the table has managed to get an investigation in time, scope and opportunities limited legal certainty and Article of the ECHR settlement within a reasonable time require.

For the question of when we can speak of a breach of the reasonable time period is a starting point for non punitive procedures when which there is online recharge card a dispute. That's usually mobile recharge api when a complaint is filed against the lack of decision.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Explain the methods

Thereby, we achieved a continuous challenge of the thoughts and ideas we did along the way. We also had the different methods strengths and weaknesses in mind and mobile recharge api sought to use them for their specific purposes. We will in the following sections we have used in the collection of the empirical material which forms the basis for our analysis of Apollo's Intranet and business needs.

We have, in that order mobile recharge api availed ourselves of the following methods: Focus group interviews, observation and interviews. We even took contact online recharge for tata docomo to Apollo by mail, in which we presented our project and dividends for the company. One group member is a former employee of Apollo, which allowed quick contact.

Since Apollo, as mentioned, even were about to launch an investigation, they would very much like to participate in our study. To cover the employees and the company's needs for Intranet, we have chosen to base our empirical data on qualitative methods. The qualitative method we have complex nature of what we are trying to collect, as we believe it will be difficult to mobile recharge api obtain a quantitative study design.

Chosen due to the mobile recharge api

Focus groups To begin with, we held a focus group interviews with five employees from Apollo as participants: two from the sales department, someone from the mobile recharge api service department, someone from sales control and a trainee from the communications' department.

Participants were selected by PR commander on the basis of a criterion, we set about to have representatives from as many of the company's departments. Through the use of a focus group interview, we expected that the informants challenged and supported each other's assumptions and jointly formed new opinions on Apollo's Intranet in a dynamic interaction.

Bent Chalkier talking just about focus groups as a method to gain insight into how meaning is created within a group. It is a high degree of interaction between participants, which creates empirically observable data Chalkier 2003: 11-12. A focus group not only provides insight into participants' own stories about their actions accounts on action observation of a concrete of action, and are understood accounts inaction Ibid 12.

The group of interview

We taped our focus group and took pictures of the course Annex C and Annex J. Since our informants knew each other, we could observe a high degree of interaction. Their mutual relations are also a risk of mobile recharge api increased self-awareness among the participants, so they are not equally expressed these reflective actions.

The focus group interview was conducted before that we initially made a presentation round, where we presented ourselves, the purpose of and the course. Next, the participants presented themselves to us and to each other by telling a little about their departments, tasks and how long they have been with Apollo. We had already agreed that one of us acted as moderator for the group and the other as an observer.

The moderator is the one primarily online recharge for tata docomo asks questions and thus ensures that the conversation moves on themes of relevance to the investigation.

Designing one or more visions

A good tool for an designs is to take advantage of the MUST method prospecting in the System Development Cooper, Sensing Simone 2000: 19. The feasibility study will form the basis for the company to make the decision to initiate an implementation project.

A MUST method is composed of different phases, and as part of the feasibility study is carried out the online recharge for vodafone following actions: analysing the company's business and IT strategy and its current goals, needs and opportunities of a total change, to assess the mobile recharge api visions in relation to the company's business and IT strategies and in relation to groups of employees.

The relationships between departments and with customers and suppliers, to establish a strategy and plan for the technical and organizational implementation and to prepare financial estimates for vision, accomplishment and currently gather feedback from relevant stakeholders Ibid 30.

As researchers in mobile recharge api

Method vision of the study project in relation to the total IT mobile recharge api project Ibid.: 31. The above model online recharge for vodafone outlines the different elements that are part of the overall IT projects, of which the feasibility study is part of this model. Our project addresses only selected elements of the overall unit.

We especially focused on describing the current situation, and that drew some scenarios with users about future visions for internal communication. The various elements that are method should be regarded as resources to support IT designer, as in this project us the planning and execution of a feasibility study. The method offers: Techniques: Interview, observation, workshop etc.

Concepts: Vision, phases, IT uses, etc. Principles:1 A comprehensive vision,2 Effective user participation,3 To work practices must be experienced,4 Anchoring Organization:1 Preparation,2 Focusing,3 Immersion,4 Renewal Cooper, Sensing Simone 2000: 32. In planning the study should divide its work into four phases: each phase has its purpose, content and focus Ibid.: 34.

Part of the MUST

In our study of Apollo's Intranet, we have moved around a bit in the four phases. We have availed ourselves of the techniques, the method offers, working with vision and mobile recharge api involved users in our study. Delimitation We have reflected the project scope had to limit our investigation.

This means, as also mentioned in the above, we have not performed a complete IT Designs from MUST method recommendations, but it has served as an inspiring setting. We believe that we can take our current work and build on from the MUST method instructions. Since the analysis that we perform is mobile recharge api a needs analysis, we touch not implementation.

However, we are aware online recharge for vodafone that implementation should be part of a company's overall process of working towards a restructuring of the technological platform, and you should from the beginning of the discussion mobile recharge api in the company, how implementation is to take place, as well as staff training and maintenance.

Neglect of these important factors increasing the risk that the project will fail using. Methodology mobile recharge api Our choice of methods is of the hermeneutic and ethnographic tradition. We have continuously reflected and processed the data and, where possible adapted our methods to our newly acquired knowledge.